All the Days of My Life

A pilgrimage poem by Kathryn Overall.
Written in the winter of 2021.

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I give you this day.
No, you give me this day
And I receive it as a gift.

The day does not depend on me.
The day rests in your Presence
And I awaken in you and to you.

You promised me
You would be with me all the days of my life
In a pilgrim’s chapel in the Burgos Cathedral.

todos los días de mi vida

A deep whisper in the heart
That brought liquid love to my eyes
And remained as a deposit in my soul.
A gift that lives and lingers.

Help me to remember.
To walk through my day aware
That you are with me
In all the unresolved matters of my heart.
The hoped for but uncertain tomorrow.

No matter what lies ahead
You will be with me on that day.
And every day,
As in this.

Soul Space Reflection Questions

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Letting the poem read you.

  • What word or phrase draws your attention?

  • What happens when you listen to this phrase with the ears of your heart?

  • What does it touch into within you?

  • How does this connect with what is happening in your life currently?

  • What gift or invitation might there be in all of this?


I Want to Live Like I Mean It