I Want to Live Like I Mean It

A pilgrimage poem by Kathryn Overall.
Spring 2019 | Virgin del Camino, Spain

Red Poppies, Camino, Spain

I want to live like I mean it.
With bolder strokes and deeper colours
Splashed across the page. 

I want to dance with joy.
Beginner’s steps
Graced with years of knowing.

I want to sing like the flowers
Spilling their glory on roadsides.
Seen, or unseen,
Just the same. 

I want to love.
To live with someone else
In a house not my own. 

I want to move away
And yet, remain
In the centre.

Soul Space Reflection Questions

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Letting the poem read you.

  • What word or phrase draws your attention?

  • What happens when you listen to this phrase with the ears of your heart?

  • What does it touch into within you?

  • How does this connect with what is happening in your life currently?

  • What gift or invitation might there be in all of this?


All the Days of My Life


The Sacredness of Now