I Want to Live Like I Mean It
A pilgrimage poem by Kathryn Overall.
Spring 2019 | Virgin del Camino, Spain
I want to live like I mean it.
With bolder strokes and deeper colours
Splashed across the page.
I want to dance with joy.
Beginner’s steps
Graced with years of knowing.
I want to sing like the flowers
Spilling their glory on roadsides.
Seen, or unseen,
Just the same.
I want to love.
To live with someone else
In a house not my own.
I want to move away
And yet, remain
In the centre.
Soul Space Reflection Questions
Letting the poem read you.
What word or phrase draws your attention?
What happens when you listen to this phrase with the ears of your heart?
What does it touch into within you?
How does this connect with what is happening in your life currently?
What gift or invitation might there be in all of this?